Sunday, November 20, 2011

3D game environment art class/workshop in Montreal

Hey guys,

I just wanted to post here about the 3d game environment class that I will be giving in Montreal starting next January :)
It will be a 10-week long (1 3hour class per week) class/workshop which will include lots of cool stuff needed to create a full environment in an efficient and relatively fast way. The final result will be assembled in UDK (God, where else lol :)) using some fancy texturing techniques etc.

Here is an official class page and school contact info in case if someone would be interested ;)

3D game environment art class/workshop in Montreal

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

New scene finished

... its been a while :P

Well, the previous Junkyard scene was put on hold due to other things that I had to get busy with, but its not abandoned, just on hold ;)

Meanwhile I finished teaching a 10 class workshop at GameArtisans Montreal focusing on game environments.

I've posted some screens and more info on forums

And there is short vid explaining it as well:

Sunday, February 6, 2011

New UDK scene started

Started posting WIP of one of my scene (still early stage):

Some more detailed descriptions and images are posted on few game art forums.
Here is link to Polycount thread.